Part 9: Sult Ruins NPC Chatter
Once again, we'll be opening this update with something we missed from the previous.
Hidden away off to the side of the entrance is this soldier and a save point.

: Hey! I read that book, too! "Eloise the Silver-Haired Adventurer" traveled to ruins around the world.

: And at the end of her great adventures she found ancient treasures. So cool!

: Wow, you know all about it. I love that book, too. Read it over and over. It may not be quite the treasuer of Eloise, but some great treasure must be hidden here. The army is doing such a large-scale excavation, so it's gotta be worth it!

: So you think so, too! Maybe there's treasures of Angelou! I'll be the first to find it!

: We still don't know if there's any treasure. Right, Puffy?

: Puff Puff!
The save point's hint is about checking monsters actions using the look command. Pretty straightforward.
Now we get to the soldiers inside the ruins.

: Wow, I finally saw him in person....

: What could there be in such out-of-the-way ruins?

: Hey! You hear, Sue? Sounds like something incredible's happening!
Over by the accessory we picked up, we find another pair of soldiers.

: I shouldn't have teased those cute girls when they entered the academy.

: Did something happen?

: I started at the same time as those sergeants, but all of the got into advanced courses. Now they outrank me.

: Hmm, those three, huh?
Speaking of those three...

: Just when we got duty that gets us close to Herr Mullen, she has to come spoil the mood!

: Yeah, she just always next to Herr Mullen! She just GALLS me!

: According to my calculations, Leen's career as an aide-de-camp is almost over.

: Mio, are you plotting something? Maybe thumbtacks in Leen's boots?

: Oh no, a much more cunning plan. I put something in her food that will make her hiccup incessantly.

: I LOVE it! Herr Mullen is sure to look at Leen differently when he sees her squaking like a goose.

: But we don't want any more failures like last time when you tried to make her sneeze incessantly.

: That was YOUR fault, Nana and Saki, when you put it in Herr Mullen's food by mistake, right!?

: Anyway! This is the demise of that woman, right!? Oh hohoho!
The next group of soldiers is near the pair of boots.

: I just don't get it. Everything we find is just JUNK! Can this stuff be worth anything?

: Just cut that out. You want to get demoted and stuck on guard duty like the guys up top? You heard the Colonel. Save everything we find. No one wants your opinion.

: Uh, uh, I-I'm sorry! I went too far.
The next soldiers are tucked away in a corner.

: Why do elite troops like us have to be excavating in a place like this!?

: Yeah, I know what you mean, but we can't be careless. After all, even Colonel Mullen said it was dangerous duty.
Immediately behind those two, we find the next group.

: Hey, did you hear? They say there's some strange statue in the deepest depths of the ruins.

: Yeah, but I have no clue what there might be beyond that. I've heard stories of ghosts....

: Ah. Perhaps... perhaps. I was wondering why the Colonel would come out here himself.

: Hear that, Sue!? Mysterious GHOSTS deep in the ruins! YES, this is just so exciting!
Our next pair o' troopers is on the other side of the wall from the previous ones.

: Think that newbie back there is OK? He beaned himself pretty bad.

: I'm worried, but it was clearly his own fault, going alone into the depths of the ruins. Colonel Mullen told him so many times that you never know what is going to happen in the ruins.

: Hee. But I'm OK with that.
And now we skip way ahead to the confrontation with Mullen.

Listen carefully! I am Alexander.

: Alexander, you say... a valiant name.

: But that girl called you by a different name, right, Justin?

I have no name for you to call me!

: If you want to be coy, you need to think a little more.

: That girl there has been calling out your name, Justin.
For the second set of answers, the wrong ones all open the same way.

: Yikes!

: I said to be prepared! Boy, I will give you only one chance. You get no second chance!

: Justin!! You're bleeding!!

It was already open!

: The door was certainly closed. That is what my soldiers reported!

: I'd be honored to be the last person you ever meet, but if you don't want that, answer seriously.

I dunno anything about a door.

: There is no other way in here except through that door! If you don't want to die here answer the next question seriously.

Strange lights and ancient images.

: Strange lights...? Spirits...? Could be images from the early ages of the Angelou Civilization.

: Hmm... I see. There still ARE people like you who have the spirit of adventure.

A strange room, but nothing else.

: Nothing? I see the lie in your face.

: Looks like you won't cooperate. I have no time to waste.

: I will kill you and ask the girl.
Sue runs up to Mullen.

: He, he. The girl is smarter than you. Be thankful to that girl. If she were not here, you would be dead.

: A woman and light... a woman...

: Liete of Alent! The lights were Spirits!
Next up... well, that Rock Bird fight could've gone a little better, don't you think?
(Polsy link)
Yeah, much better.
And finally... we get to talk to more soldiers around the ruins.

: Then, get going! You ought to check into it with your own two eyes!

: Yes, certainly! But no, I can't. I was told to stay here. Being here is my job. Colonel Mullen can't make a mistake. At least, I don't think so. Oh, my. I should have asked Colonel Mullen in more detail about what to do if this happens.

: Well, sort of....

: I understand. I didn't see anything. I didn't even see any children. Of course, I didn't hear anything.

: But an understanding adult IS appealing.

: Hahahah, young miss, you got me. Now, go quickly.

: Seems like I'm more like a handyman than a soldier. I even see hallucinations. Now I've got to go with Gontz to go shopping for the Sergeants. Gontz can't carry it all so this time I have to go, too. Boy, they really are slave drivers....

: I just hope it's nothing that will tick off the Sergeants. Ohh... knock on wood.

: You must really be scared of those three to be quacking like that.

: The Sergeants' temper always lands on us subordinates. Makes every day thrilling.

: No, I don't think so.... Well, forget it! Ah haha.

: Not just Treasure! It's much greater!

: OUCH! What was that for?! Sue!

: Justin, don't say anything! If I weren't around, you'd really be hopeless!

: Oh, that's right!

: Tee hee hee. Nothing at all, Sir!

: Huh, what? They found something greater than treasure? That can't be. Hahaha.

: Of course not, right?! Hee hee hee.

: I don't have time for this. Clean, shop, take out trash, get coffee.... My schedule's just full.

: So Gontz, are those women who ripped up the letter making you go on errands?

: But Sue, you gotta understand. My creed is to do my utmost in any job I'm given. Deliver a dress to Sergeant Nana... go shopping for Sergeant Saki... and then for Sergeant Mio.... Hey, that commotion in the ruins, did something happen?

: Of-of course not, right, Sue?

: Of course not. We were just looking around. ♥

: As long as it wasn't you two. But just what do you think it was?

: Maybe they made a great discovery?
Finally, an interesting note.
The "sundown" filter shows up on Marna Road, too.
But not in battle.
See you next time!